Friday, May 21, 2010

If your not angry, your not paying attention!

I wanted to provide a little insight and can’t fit my entire rant on Facebook so I decided to create a blog.

My neighbor works for a company that handles billing for medical facilities and she travels to AZ. She asked the airline to allow her to pack a gun in her checked luggage because there have been SEVERAL incidents where PEOPLE ARE BEING KIDNAPPED RIGHT OUT OF THEIR HOTEL ROOMS. Funny how we haven't heard any of that on the news.

Why is it that other countries can control their borders but the US is not allowed? Last time I checked, China was one of the major human rights violators. So why are our government officials apologizing to them for Arizona's decision to try and secure their border because the Fed's won't?

All the dictatorships around the world are very pleased with the way our current administration is dismantling our republic. I wonder why?

It's also very interesting to me that we have so many comments from our current administration about Arizona's immigration law even though they admit to NOT READING IT. It's only a few pages, unlike the 2000 + that the health care bill consisted of.

"While the Bush administration dropped the ball on border security and illegal immigration, the Obama administration can't even find it," said GOP state Rep. John Kavanagh.

I want to move to Vancouver but the Canadian government won't allow me to. If you are not a Canadian citizen you can not work for any corporation in Canada unless that corp. can prove that it is impossible for a Canadian citizen to fill the position. Does that mean Canada is violating my HUMAN RIGHTS?

How about China? If you walk over the border into China THEY WILL SHOOT YOU? Is that a violation of human rights?

I don't know about you, but when I've traveled out of the country I've been made to obtain a passport and prove my citizenship. Is that a violation of human rights as well???

Why isn't the truth being told about what this really boils down to and the reason the current administration will do nothing to control illegal immigration. Why is it that no one is talking about how you don't have to show a drivers license to vote in the US?

Could it be that the majority of illegal immigrants, if not all, vote Liberal or Dem., so is it not in the best interest of the current admin. to keep the flood gates open? Let's be honest with ourselves and tell it like it is.

While Obama lies, liberty dies. If you not angry and concerned your not paying attention. Clear away all the BS and follow the money and power, that's where you'll find the truth.

Both Dems and Reps have been ruining this country for decades, they have keep us busy fighting each other, liberal, conservative, black, brown, white; distracted over stupidity and ideology so that we have not noticed that our republic, constitution and liberty have been and are being stripped away.

The last vestiges of what made the U.S. great are currently going down like the Titanic. I pray that we all wake up and start to see what's really going on. I LOVE AMERICA AND DON'T WANT TO SEE IT DISMANTLED TO BECOME YET ANOTHER SOCIALIST, MARXIST COUNTRY NOR A DICTATORSHIP.

This is just another shell game misdirecting our attention away from the growing debt, soaring unemployment, CAP & Trade, etc.

Oh wait, now it's the American Energy Act and instead of separation of church and state, our current administration is urging churches to join with them to generate acceptance of this bill. Where is the ACLU when you actually need them?

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